Using Katex with Restructured Text
Published: 06.01.2020 | 216 Words | 2 minutesProblem:
Including Katex into a Hugo site? That's easy! Just follow the instructions at and add the Autoloader script-tags to your footer.
But on posts that are using the .rst format the rendering was broken. For example the Latex equation "\forall x,y \in \mathbb{N}" should be rendered as
$$ \forall x,y \in \mathbb{N} $$but instead there was $$ forall x, y in mathbb{N} $$
The issue can be found in the processing of the .rst file. Because "\" is the escape-character in Restructured Text all "\" are stripped off from the html-output.
You could just escape the "\" with another "\" so that the equation will look like this "\\forall x,y \\in \\mathbb{N}". This might work for small formulas but it's not perfect. Because now we have to type much more "\".
The more convenient solution is to use a Directive named "raw". With ".. raw:: html"" the Restructured Text-Parser will bypass a section of the content so that Katex can do the rendering. It can be utilized like this:
Some content above.
.. raw:: html
$$ \forall x,y \in \mathbb{N} $$
Normal content below the ignored section.
The blank lines around .. raw:: html are important as it is the indetation!
More information about this Directive can be found at the Docutils referenze